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mardi 19 avril 2011

19 Avril 2011

Happy birthday Grandpa, I miss you today. But I think about you. I'll be fine today, just for your memorie. I promise! First day to the University since one month. I'm not affraid. I hope it will be ok. I don't know what to do with my hairs it's horrible! Hairdresser next tuesday! :)

What do you think about that? :)
(I know sue you don't like :p)

3 commentaires:

  1. Moi j'aime biennnnnn ! j'suis sure qu'elles te vont bien ;)

  2. Haaaaan elles sont magnifiques !!!

  3. ahaha... je dirais juste .. " ce sont des chaussures quoi" :D
    ça va toi ?
