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dimanche 10 avril 2011

Nanana Come on I like it come come on come on.

I feel bad. My doctor told me to stay again by my parents. I wanted to return to Caen for studies. I'm affraid. I won't win if I don't return.. I already missed 3 weeks, and 10 days more for now. I'm really affraid. And I miss my rat. Marion is the most beautiful person I know, inside and outside. I love her so much. I miss my JDL, she's so amazing. And I miss Sue too. I washes my car today! Ouf. And my heart is empty because he didn't answer to my mail. I'm affraid because I know that I lost him. But I need his love, I need his arms. I need him.
I don't know how I did before to be ok.
For learning again to live and move I decided to set targets for each day. Today: To wash my car. Tomorrow: To copy all my lessons. Tuesday: To go out on the town with friends.

2 commentaires:

  1. Putain.. Evans viens de publié sur son FB des photo de "pique-nique" avec philou sa femme et son gosse... j'en peux plus..

  2. Continue, I know that you can do it. You're stronger than the disease. I trust in you. You're the best!
    And I miss you too !
