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dimanche 20 février 2011

It's 2 a.m. and I just arrive at mine.

Hey guys! Tonight was so great. I had really good time with a lot of friends, but I missed three for the night. Many boys dredged me but i did nothing. It was pretty cool to see I can please someone even if I feel so fat. But I understand one thing too. I can be faithful and left alone for 7 months until I rejoin him. I believed I can't but it's not true. I can, i really can because I'm complety in love with him. It was a nice night and now I just have to make wonderful dreams and dream of him. Nothing's more important than him. there are not just some words in the wind. Nothing's more important. Nothing.

so now I go on my bed, good night guys! see ya probably tomorrow. I'll talk about my first day without diet, hope it will be ok. Bye! =)

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