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samedi 19 février 2011

Just livin'.

Now I just wanna enjoy what life has given me. My friends and my family. The rest. I don't care. Today I saw my best friend, Sue. I missed her so much. It's good to see her again. Really good. I want an another rat because I'm missin' Licht so much, she was so pretty funny & cool. She was so beautiful & so affectionate. I miss her. I really want an another rat. My engagement with the psychiatrist make me move. I try again and again. I will figure it out why I'm becomin' like that. I'll be better. For them. And for me too. I wanna go to Los Angeles. It's my goal. To be quiet. To be free. To be with him. So far away from France.

1 commentaire:

  1. It's funny, because I've got a blogspot too ! I created it two days ago ! :) And I only write in English !

    And you know what ? I love you ♥
